Athletic Playground Workshop

Mar 16, 2019

Many people ask, ” What is Qi-gong?”. Is it like Yoga or Tai-Chi? Do I have to be a Martial Artist in order to practice it?

You’ll be surprise to learn that Qigong is much simpler than you know.

In our weekly class offerings at Shaolin Life, we are not only dedicated to furthering ones knowledge of traditional Shaolin Kung Fu and it’s many aspects, but we are committed to “keeping things simple” and accessible in furthering the understanding.

We are excited to share that Shaolin Master Sheldon Callahan will teach a Qigong workshop on
April 6
6-9 pm

Athletic Playground in Emeryville.

If you’ve haven’t experienced Qigong or maybe you have but want to seek more understanding, then come and learn how to gain body strength, improve your flexibility, and balance your mind and body harmony using breath, movement, and energy.

Master Sheldon will lead and show the difference between power and force while improving your body motion & movement through simple yet effective exercises.

In this three-hour workshop, we will begin with subtle energy awareness and stance work that reveals “Qi”(vital energy); Basic exercise patterns are broken down and repeated; Movements related to health maintenance, energy practices, and increased strength and flexibility will be added, along with breath and relaxation techniques. We will learn how to identify, perform, and refine these patterns and use them to cultivate and increase energy awareness and wellness.

Wear comfortable clothes that you would wear to any yoga class.

Register before space fills at

We are looking forward to seeing you there. Bring friends too. ❤

“Harmonious Movement Through Qigong”
w/Shaolin Master Sheldon Callahan

Saturday, April 6, 2019
25% by 3/24

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